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Cystitis and UTI bladder infections: herbal remedies and natural helpers.

>> Monday 17 October 2011

Suffering and enduring cystitis is no fun at all and neither are the anti biotics you are prescribed to deal with the re-occuring outbreaks. The key with Cystitis is to act fast. Do not be in denial and hope it will go away.Act as soon as you feel the first tingling sensations.
Below are suggestions from my own experience but I am not a doctor. Please seek immediate medical advice if your symptoms do not get better.

Natural remedies that seem to help for:

Prevention are:
Cranberries/ Cranberry juice for prevention but not necessarily a cure once you have the symptoms.
An alkaline diet for prevention and to stop the burning sensation when peeing. Have a look at this site for further details:     Alkaline Diet
Washing and peeing straight after sex to flush out any ecoli that may have transferred during sex.
After swimming change into dry swim wear. Do not sit around or sun bathe in wet swimwear- to prevent chills.

Stopping infection are:
De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills: flush out your kidneys, bladder and the bacteria.
De Witt's is made from Buchu and Bearberry extract. Bearberry =Uva Ursi.
I found De Witt's in South Africa and have not been able to find it easily anywhere else.

Non-natural remedy are anti-biotics.

Other suggestions from other sufferers can be found at this site:
Home Remedies for Bladder infection
Herbal Remedies for UTI

Please share any of your natural remedies so that more people can benefit and come off their antibiotics.
Just post a comment below or drop me an email at: bahatistyle@hotmail.com.
Thank you.


Anonymous 28 March 2013 at 12:36  

I'm trying to find the Dewitts pill for my cousin and I have no luck. Where can I buy it ?

Unknown 11 April 2016 at 00:54  

Any clicks store (South Africa)

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